Hajj regn to continue throughout the year: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Talking tough against cheating with hajj pilgrims by any individual and agency, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday said her government is planning to conduct online registration of intending hajj pilgrims throughout the year to simplify hajj management.
“From the registrations, the hajj pilgrims then could easily be sent to Saudi Arabia through lotteries,” she said adding to take due legal steps if anyone or any agency resorts to cheating with hajj pilgrims.
The Prime Minister was addressing the inauguration of Hajj Programme 2015 held at city’s Ashkona Hajj Camp. The holy hajj is likely to be performed this year on September 24 subject to moon sighting.
“If the registration of interested hajj pilgrims goes on throughout the year and the Saudi government fixes which number of pilgrims we’ ll be able to send, then we could make arrangements for sending the hajj pilgrims through lotteries. More importantly, this will be comfortable for pilgrims,” she said.
Saying that her government and the party had never indulged in politics with religion and never wants to do so, the Prime Minister said her government has been working tirelessly so that the living standard of common people is improved following  
religious values. She mentioned that religion used to create terrorism and militancy in the country in the past and thus confused the youth. “But, we don’t want the youth to be on the wrong path, we want to groom them up with religious values and the essence of Islam.” Terming Islam as a religion of peace, Hasina renewed her vow to establish Bangladesh as a peaceful country in South Asia. Noting that there is no place for terrorism, militancy and women repression in Islam since it is a religion of peace, the Prime Minister said despite that, incidents like these often take place.
She said, her government has launched a training programme for associating religious leaders in tackling terrorism and militancy and controlling women repression. Hasina said private hajj agencies and their organisation, HAAB, have become well-organised for which hajj pilgrims do not fall victims to fraudulence these days. As a result of the government’s success, the number of hajj pilgrims has now climbed to 1,01,758 this year against 48,763 in 2008. Hasina said her government has restored discipline in hajj management as well as ensured highest services for the hajj pilgrims, developed infrastructure and increased manpower in the hajj-related activities.
The Prime Minister said all irregularities and indiscipline in transportation of hajj pilgrims, accommodation in Mekkah and Medina and medicare services created by the BNP-Jamat government have already been removed.
Besides, a five-year National Hajj Policy was framed, Hajj Mission in Mekkah strengthened while the office of the Hajj Wing shifted from Jeddah to Hajj Mission in Mekkah, she said.
Hasina mentioned that Bangladesh has been recognised as the best in Hajj Management in 2014 while it achieved first position in South Asia in terms of providing improved services to Hajj Pilgrims in 2010 and 2011.
Referring to the introduction of ICT-based services in Hajj activities, the Prime Minister said her government has modernised web portal on Hajj, www.hajj.gov.bd, and all concerned, including hajj pilgrims could now receive various services very easily. Highlighting various steps of her government for flourishing Islam, Hasina said the offices of Bangladesh Islamic Foundation have been set up at all divisions and districts which have helped spread Islamic ideology and values at local level.
Held with Religious Affairs Minister Principal Matiur Rahman in the chair, the function was also addressed by Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Religious Affairs Ministry Bazlul Haque Harun, local MP Advocate Sahara Khatun, Civil Aviation and Tourism Ministry Secretary Khurshid Alam Chowdhury and Saudi Embassy Charge de Affaires Al Hasan Al Hajmi. Religious Affairs Ministry Secretary Dr Chowdhury Md Babul Hasan delivered the address of welcome. Later, the Prime Minister exchanged pleasantries with hajj pilgrims and wished them good health and welfare so that they could perform their hajj properly in Saudi Arabia and return home safely. A munajat was also offered on the occasion.
