Haji Zahir dead


Photojournalist Haji Zahirul Haque has died in a Delhi hospital, his family members say. He was on life support for last three days at the HBS Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences in Delhi.Haque’s daughter-in-law Sajia Zahir told bdnews24.com about his death on Saturday morning.”Father is no more,” his son Hasib Zahir, who is now in Delhi, said. But he said doctors were yet to declare him dead formally. ” The formal announcement will happen by afternoon, as it takes a while under Indian law to declare someone dead,” he said. “The 71-year old photojournalist was admitted to the HBS Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences on June 5.Haque has long been suffering jaundice and was undergoing treatment at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) hospital before going to Delhi.Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited the ailing photographer at the BSMMU hospital.Hailing from Narayanganj, Haque developed his passion for photography as a student.Haque worked for Kolkata-based daily ‘Aajkal’ as its Bangladesh correspondent. He did Master’s from Dhaka University. He started his career as a photojournalist at the daily Azad during the Pakistani regime.He also served the Bangladesh Observer, Banglar Bani, Janakantha and Bangladesh Times.The Bangladesh Photojournalists’ Association was formed under his leadership. He was elected the association’s president more than once. He was also an office-bearer in the Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists and the National Press Club.
