Haji Salim blames Speaker for failing to contest city polls

UNB, Dhaka :
Independent MP Haji Mohammad Salim on Monday humorously blamed Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury for failing to contest the City Corporation elections billed for April 28.
Before asking a supplementary question, he sang a song partially in his own language saying “Haire Kopal Mondo (just my bad luck)…I could contest the polls if my resignation was accepted.”
In response, the Speaker posed a question, “Where is your resignation letter actually?”
Haji Salim said he submitted the resignation
letter but someone else “tore it up”. Earlier, Salim reportedly refrained from running in the upcoming mayoral race for Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC), upon request from the Awami League high command.
Earlier on his Facebook page, he wrote that he submitted his resignation letter to the parliament but the Speaker did not accept the resignation letter.
Resignation as lawmaker is mandatory to take part in mayoral elections according to the RPO.
Later, Salim left Dhaka for India citing health check-up and returned home on Monday.