HAAB democratic united front formed


Staff Reporter :
The senior members of Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB) arranged a meeting at a city hotel on Monday for declaring an election panel for the upcoming election where SN Manzur Murshed (Mahbub), President of Association of Travel Agents of Bangladesh (ATAB) was in the chair.
The members declared “HAAB Democratic United Front” at the meeting while Advocate Abdullah Al Naser, President of The Bangladesh pilgrims and Haji Welfare Council, Jamal Uddin, Abdus Sakur, Former President, Golam Sarwar, Former Senior Vice President, Tazul Islam, Former Vice President, Rashid Shah Samrat, Former Secretary General and Ruhul Amin Mintu, Abul Hasan, Mawlana Fazlur Rahman, Wahidul Alam, Leaders of Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB), Aslam Khan, Secretary General, Abdus Salam Aref, Join Secretary of ATAB were spooked in the meeting among others.
The meeting unanimously passed the proceedings that the embezzled money of TK 19 crore in the name of HAAB palli would be under scanner through Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).
