Gulshan lake under threat of pollution

The Gulshan-Banani Lake in the capital loses its lustre due to pollution and harmful effluents flowing in from all sides. Such a situation poses a serious threat to public health and biodiversity. This photo was taken on Wednesday. NN photo
The Gulshan-Banani Lake in the capital loses its lustre due to pollution and harmful effluents flowing in from all sides. Such a situation poses a serious threat to public health and biodiversity. This photo was taken on Wednesday. NN photo

Staff Reporter :
The Gulashan Lake is in the city’s strategic and diplomatic zone. It is now under serious threat of environmental pollution because of the unabated dumping of effluents and solid waste into the fresh water.
The authority concerned seems apathetic to the importance of the natural aquatic resource needed for maintaining the environmental equilibrium of the area.
Visiting the area on Tuesday, this correspondent found that effluents and solid waste from the lakeside households and commercial establishments like tiny shops are being dumped into the Lake near the Gulshan Society Mosque area (Gulshan-02).
It was seen that effluents from the nearby houses were being discharged while garbage and plastic materials were seen floating on the lake water which has destroyed the natural colour of the water.
The mere signboard which bans dumping of waste and garbage into the lake could not prevent the locals from this activity responsible for posing threat to the lake.
Even it was seen that a bamboo bridge connecting the two sides of the lake was erected for crossing the lake and it was done before the nose of the authority.
Connection of the lake by such makeshift bridge is breaching the security of the area where the diplomatic residences are located.
These anti-environmental activities are undoubtedly posing serious threats to the environmental health of the aquatic body.
The stinky water and garbage are continuously destroying the fresh air of the area where people cannot walk through without covering their noses to get rid of the bad smell.
People who are seen in the morning walk and continue jogging beside the lake suffer the worst because of the stinky air polluted by the garbage and effluents.
As the area is locked in the diplomatic zone, such unabated pollution is also tarnishing the image of the country where the waste management is still poor.
Talking to some of the people of the area, they said the authorities are not serious about the importance of the lake.
Without the strictness and continuous overseeing, such pollution will continue and the lake will die some day or the other, they said.
