Gul Panag to kick-start a new initiative


Actress Gul Panag, who is also a fitness and technology enthusiast, has taken on the co-founder’s role for a mobile app start-up company MobieFit, which centers on health and fitness. The former beauty queen is happy to bring two of her passions together. “Technology has become such an integral part of our life. I’m a technology enthusiast and a keen watcher of the tech space. I use apps on my phone all the time, whether it is maps to find directions, edit a photo and so much more,” Gul said in a statement. “Fitness is another big passion for me, and on social media, everyday, someone will write in and ask me about my take on fitness or to suggest a tip for them. And while an offhand tip can be helpful, to have a consistent app to guide you is so much more,” she said.
