Guide to cleaning your room

Life Desk :
Your mother-in-law just called – she thought she’d surprise you with an unscheduled visit to catch up. How nice!
You accept (as if you could say no), then panic because your house is a mess and you’re supremely lazy about cleaning. But fear not! Just crank up the Beyonce and try these eight tricks.
Grab a fancy department-store-quality bag and turn it into a makeshift receptacle for junk, catalogues, trinkets, etc. You’re not throwing this stuff out – simply clearing surface area and stashing items out of sight to deal with later. In fact, remove small elements like artefacts, CD’s, etc. that attract dust and cannot be cleaned quickly. This will make your home look speciaous as well.
You’ll run it later. But for now, hide those crusty cereal bowls in there. This will help your kitchen look neat.
The world’s quickest way to make a living room feel fancier.
Why bother with a Swiffer when you can slip a sock on your hand and hit those dusty bookshelves at warp speed? The same approach works on the floor or while cleaning the dust-coated rug with a socked foot.
Try using dim lights
Because what your MIL can’t see, won’t hurt her.
Little known fact: Crisply folded towels do wonders to camouflage a less-than-pristine bathroom. Simply fold them like this and hide any used ones in the tub.
Clean lampshades (and pet hair) with a lint roller
Scotch tape also works in a pinch.
Skip the scouring and simply run this miracle sponge over discoloured white surfaces. Then, wipe the whole thing down with a paper towel.
-Huffington Post India