4,000 posts vacant in Govt colleges: Guest teachers take classes

M M Jasim :
Students are being taught by the guest teachers in many government colleges across the country as teachers’ crisis has become acute in those educational institutions, sources in the Ministry said.
At least 4,000 posts including principals, professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers are lying vacant for a long time in many government colleges.
The shortage of teachers is hampering the academic activities of the students. This crisis is more acute in government colleges located in rural areas or small towns, where, in many cases, the guest teachers are teaching students, the sources added.
A total of 221 government colleges have been facing serious difficulties since long time due to teachers’ crisis, the Education Ministry and Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) sources said.
DSHE sources said there were 329 government colleges, including four Alia Madrassa, and 14 teachers’ training colleges in the country.
There are 16,141 posts in these colleges. Of them, 113 posts of principals, 229 of professors, 119 of associate professors, 339 of assistant professors and about 3,000 posts of lecturers are lying vacant.
The crisis of teachers is more serious in subjects
 such as English, Marketing, Home Economics and Finance, as the recruitment of teachers for these fields have remained frozen since 2007, the sources said.
Of the 212 colleges, there are 5,073 students in Meherpur Government College. The posts of the teachers are 50 but the college has only 39 regular teachers.
A total of eight teachers are teaching in Laxmipur Government Mohila College against 2,000 students.
Biyanibazar Government College in Sylhet has only 32 working teachers against the approved 47 posts of teacher. The college has 8320 students.
 In Rangamati Government Girls’ College has only nine teachers against 15 approved posts. Bagerhat Government Girls’ Colleges has 22 teachers whereas the approved post are 34. There are 5500 students in Narail Government Victoria College. Some 14 posts of teachers 14 are lying vacant for a long time in the college.
Acting Principal of Sherpur Govt College, Md Sarwan Jahan, said that his college had 55 teachers against approved posts of 64.
“We are facing serious teachers crisis as we have to teach about 12,000 students. We have also guest teachers to cover the crisis, but it is not enough because such teachers are not properly trained,” he said.
Principal of Laxmipur Government Mohila College Professor Mizanur Rahman said, “The college has been facing teachers’ crisis since 2014. The crisis intensifies everyday. We have submitted applications to the Education Ministry and DSHE for the required teachers. But they are yet to take any initiative to resolve the problem.”
Principal of Nilphamari Govt Women’s College, Abdul Gaffar, said, “We have 22 teachers against 32 posts.”
“The students who have already passed their Masters’ courses are now taking classes,” he said.
Earlier at conference, the principals of the government colleges informed the Education Ministry about acute teachers’ crisis.
On the other hand, the scenario in metropolitan Dhaka is completely different.
Sources said there were 224 teachers against 200 posts in Dhaka College, 198 teachers against 174 posts in Titumir College, 145 teaches against 117 posts in Govt Bangla College, 41 teachers against 23 posts in Govt Biggyan College.
The Director General of DSHE Professor S M Ohiduzzaman said, “The government is thinking to take special BCS examination to fulfil the vacant posts of the colleges. The number of education cadre may be increased in the future examinations. But it totally depends on Bangladesh Public Service Commission.
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid on several occasions said most of the teachers want to come to the colleges situated in Dhaka.
