Guest birds start arriving in Sylhet areas

S.A Shofiee, Sylhet :
The haor, straddling between Sylhet district, is a unique wetland ecosystem of national importance and has come into international focus Guest birds are flying to the Tanguar Haor in droves in Sunamganj district.
Hundreds of people have started visiting there to feast on their eyes and make the winter days fly away fast.
Flocks of guest birds are seen flying and heard chirping every noon and corner of the 9727-hectare wetland ecosystem. Most birds have flocked on Rupaboi and Lesua bils, considering them safest of all in the haor.
Migratory birds are not even fewer crowding the other bills, including Hatirgata, Pekunia, Rua, Chatania, Baludoba and Berberia. Locals say around 70 to 80 species of birds, including those locally named as Lenja Hansh, Banli Hansh, Sorali Modna, Ganga Kabutar, Kolakori and Piari, have already arrived in the haor.
They think the number of the guest birds will increase with the intensity of the winter in the country.
Twenty-three-year old Manik Sarker of Indrapur village said flocks of birds come to the bills early in the morning and stay here till late in the evening. They eat and play in the water.
Thirty-five-year-old Ripon of Janjail village said birds keep flying all day long, which keeps us staring in them. It is a unique sight for which we wait all the year long.’ Sixty-five-year-old Malek Mia of Golabari said guests birds are flying in here more than last year. Thousands of birds take shelter on the bils every night.
Sripur Union Parishad Chairman Biswajit Sarker said people have now understood the importance of the guest birds and so bird hunting gone down sharply, making the haor a safe haven for the migratory birds.
A community-based social marketing project has been in place under the International Union for Conservation of Nature in the district.
Assistant Project Officer Md Mehedi Hasan also confirmed the increasing arrival of birds in the wetland ecosystem and said Guest birds no longer consider this haor unsafe as much as they used to in the past and so their number increases every year.’
The haor, straddling between Dharmapasha and Tahirpur upazilas of the district, is a unique wetland ecosystem of national importance and has come into international focus.
The government declared Tanguar haor as an ecologically critical area in 1999 as a result of the overexploitation of its natural resources.
