Guard polling stations, says Dr Kamal

Stop arrest in ghost cases or face tougher movement- Fakhrul


Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Oikyafront Convener and Gono Forum President Dr Kamal Hossain said, the people of the country want a change. They do not want to see the vote less government again, but a free and fair election. That will be possible if they stay united and actively participate
“We have talked with people, who are hungry for a meaningful change. They want to exercise their franchise, to get back their voting right.”
He said all these in a press btiefing at Jatiya Press Club on Saturday, organised by Jatiya Oikyafront.
Dr Kamal Hossain again renewed his call to the people to guard the polling stations, so that the election to be held on December 30 cannot be rigged.
He said, “As the owner of the state, people must guard the polling stations to ensure holding of the polls in a credible manner.
“Both the media and the members of the public are saying that there might be attempts in various ways to deflower the election. But we shall thwart it, no matter who commits it-the government or anyone else,” the Oikyafront leader added.
Dr Kamal urged the countrymen to go to the polling stations in the morning on the Election Day and make sure that all cast their votes without any hindrance.
He said, they want people to actively take part in governing the country. “The responsibility doesn’t end even after the vote is cast. It’s a big responsibility to elect honest and competent persons after scrutiny while giving votes.”
The Oikyafront chief went on saying, ” It is because, if the country’s owners don’t elect their representatives properly, the entire nation will be deprived of good governance, constitutional rule and basic rights. Everyone will have to come forward considering it as a responsibility.”
With reference to the people’s thirst for a change, he said, “I, therefore, appeal to all of our people to unite as like as we did in 1971, and unite with the same determination to preserve and strengthen this independence as we move forward towards completing the 50th year of our independence in 2021.”
Dr Kamal said, he believes that free and fair election is an essential aspect of the independence and sovereignty of a country. “If the right to vote cannot be exercised by the people, the very independence of the country is at stake.”
He said all the Oikyafront partners are conscious of their vital importance of nominating the best and worthiest candidates as people will establish their ownership of the country through the election.
Dr Kamal added, a single list of candidates of the Jatiya Oikyafront will emerge after the scrutiny of the nomination papers. “My prayers will be with all of our candidates for their success and the victory of our people.
“I’ll appeal to all of our people to ensure that the election is free and fair, and will urge the Election Commission to discharge its function impartially and independently with fairness as it is required by the Constitution and make sure that those who are engaged in the conducting of election-presiding officers, polling officers and others, will discharge its functions with complete integrity devoid of any partisanship or loyalty to any party candidate, and appoint polling agents who are persons of integrity and courage and who may not be bought or prevented from performing their duty.”
Dr Kamal said, after the Prime Minister assurance, the filing and arrest of ghost cases continue. The election atmosphere is not well due to mass arrest of opposition leaders and activists. After the polls schedule was announced, total 681 people had been arrested. Two of them are candidates,
Dr Kamal Hossain has requested cooperation from the mass media, urging them to play an active role during the upcoming 11th parliamentary election.
At the press conference BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said, after the assurance of the PM and the schedule announcement, the arrest and ghost cases filing continue. The law enforcers are arresting the leaders and activists of oppositions. Dr Kamal also urged to stop it.
Fakhrul further said, stop arresting or face tougher movement.
He also said, our participation in election is for restoring the democracy, the voting and basic rights of people and to free all prisoners including our leader Begum Khaleda Zia.
In the press briefing, Jatiya Oikyafront leader and Nagorik Oikya Convener Mahmudur Rahman Manna read out the written statement on behalf of Dr Kamal Hossain.
In the written statement, Manna urged the election commission to execute their duty or responsibility with courage and honest.
In the press briefing, Krishak Sramik Janata League President Bangabir Abdul Kader Siddique, Gono Forum Executive President Shubrata Chowdhury, Secretary General Mostafa Mohsin Montu, Jatiya Oikya Prokriya leader Sultan Mohammad Monsur Ahmed, Dr Reza Kibria, and Founder of Gonoshasthaya Kendra Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury, among others, were present.
