Green Management

Save the planet from destruction


Taslim Ahammad :
Green Management is a modern concept of the business through considering the corporate social responsibility. It is the most acceptable and popular practices by business farm which leads to the reasonable competition globally.
In the present world consumers are more conscious about their safety of life and want everything would be environment friendly. However, people of Bangladesh have been living with natural hazards and catastrophe and the infrastructure of Bangladesh is not developed. This country is polluted by many ways, such as, air, water, noise and so on. Garments/textile industry should create demand for green products and consumers must adopt environmentally sound behaviours to sustain the clean environment. Through such conscious choices, green management/product, consumers can take steps to protect the planet’s natural resources and to prevent further environmental damage.
Green Management is an initiative when a company ensures its best to diminish processes that harm the environment. This means bringing to practices that are environmentally friendly, such as improved health, reusable products, green logistics and recycling. Also, the development of personnel attitudes is responsible for environmental activities, environmental management systems, and environmental communication as well as conservation of biodiversity.
Becoming greener helps you improve relationships with customers, suppliers, government agencies, and the media. Many customers, people and institutions now expect organisations to reduce their impact on the environment, and doing do your company is seen as a good corporate citizen.
Theory – The adoption of environmentally responsible business practices can, conceivably, open up an additional range of opportunities for organisation. The move to a sustainable business framework provides numerous niches that enterprising individuals and firms can successfully identify and service. These include, among other things, the development of new products and services, improvements to the efficiency of existing firms, new methods of marketing and there configuration of existing business models and practices. However, green practices is not only important because it provides new opportunities for the nimble first movers who identify and exploit such opportunities but also because it has the potential to be a major force in the overall transition to a more sustainable business paradigm.
Green operations – These processes include manufacturing and remanufacturing, reverse logistics, network design and waste management. The main goal of green manufacturing is to reduce the environmental impacts of a product by using proper material. Moreover, green manufacturing and remanufacturing requires inventory management, production planning and scheduling besides the usual planning due to varying and unknown amounts of products returned for recycling.
Watch power use – Encourage team players to turn off lights when they are not using them. Consider installing motion sensors in common areas such as bathrooms, break rooms, and conference rooms. These sensors automatically turn lights off when the space is uninhabited.
Improved health – Workers’ health care represent another significant reason for moving towards green management, improve working condition can help who may suffer from illnesses. This can result in less absenteeism and greater productivity.
Reusable products – The main advantage of reducing the need for landfill space. Certain synthetic fibre products do not decompose, while natural fibre such as wool does decompose but produces methane, which contributes to global warming. Nowadays, many recycling centres, charities and collection projects accept goods.
Recycling – The recycling process starts with sorting collected according to their condition and the types of materials used. Knitted or woven woollen and similar materials are reused by the textile industry in applications such as car insulation, roofing felt, loudspeaker cones, panel linings and furniture padding.
Green logistics – For industries with lower margins, such as the clothing industry, green supply chain management may lead to lower supply chain related costs. These cost deduction may be converted into significant competitive advantages and profit.
Green supply chain management – This concept tries to minimize the undesirable environmental impacts of supply chain processes within the participating organisations and the whole supply chain as well. Other benefits of green supply chain management include reducing risk, improving productivity, increasing property value, improving public image and creating healthier environments.
Telecommute – Allow team members to work from home one or more days each week. This can yield great benefits for both your organisation and the environment.
Limit business travel – Technology has made it possible for organisations to limit business travel without this having a knock-on effect on efficiency. Hence, you may be able to hold established events such as training, catch-ups and conferences virtually, cost-effective and environmental friendly.
Create a green team – A green team creates and monitors environmental initiatives that are tailored to your organization. Members are responsible for seeking new ways to lighten the organisation’s footprint, and should also report on it, use their findings to customize future efforts towards the needs of the organisation.
Think twice before purchasing – Before you buy new office equipment, ask yourself whether you really need what you’re planning to buy. For example, recycled stationery, or items with little or no packaging, cause less damage to the environment.
Use reusable products – If your office uses disposable cups, plates and eating utensils in the break room, look for dishware that you can wash and reuse. Switch to plant-based, biodegradable dish soap, and use cloth drying towels or energy-saving hand-dryers instead of paper towels in bathrooms.
Plant trees – It is possible to save energy and improve the appearance of the work environment by planting trees around building. It can reduce costs and improve energy efficiency by shading air conditioning unit from hot summer sun. Trees also help block cold winter winds, if you coniferous trees.
A well designed green management is of key importance in achieving efficient operations among suppliers, producers, distribution facilities and retailers. It may custom to environmental friendly options for greening the business industry and obtaining constructive results. Recommendations are:
o Considered decision relating to the numbers, locations and capacity of factories, warehouses, shops and so on should take considering environmental factors
o Marketable decisions on product sourcing, the subcontracting of production processes and distribution of finished goods should follow green supply chain strategy
o Business should take consideration on operational decisions on the scheduling of production and distribution that translate the trading links into discrete freight flows and determine the rate of inventory rotation in warehouses
o Government may take some necessary steps for increasing the green practice in tannery, garment/textile and other industries.

(Taslim Ahammad, Assistant Professor, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj, Bangladesh)
