Greece to extend ‘golden visa’ scheme to lure more investors

AFP, Athens :
Greece on Thursday said it will extend its “golden visa” programme to include those investing a minimum of 400,000 euros in the country.
In return, recipients will get five-year Greek residency permits which also allow non-European Union citizens to travel freely throughout the bloc. The scheme was previously reserved for those investing at least 250,000 euros ($290,000) in real estate in Greece.
The law will be voted in a few months, a source in the ministry of migration policy told AFP, confirming a report in the Kathimerini newspaper. The aim is to “attract investors to help in the (economic) revival and respond to market demand,” the source said.
The plan was launched in 2013 to revive debt-laden Greece’s moribund real estate market and it has attracted some 5,000 mainly Chinese, Russian, Turkish and Egyptian nationals.