Grave concern over environmental terrorism


Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque :
Environmental errorism is now taking place every now and then. There are academic and semantic difficulties in defining “terrorism” and specifically “environmental terrorism.” But discussions of environmental matters in the domain of terrorism are growing, with a focus on identifying possible risks to polluting environment. Experts on environment and bio-diversity argue that attacks on natural resources can now cause more deaths, property damage, political chaos, and other adverse effects. Environment experts distinguish between environmental terrorism and eco-terrorism. Environmental terrorism can be defined “as the unlawful use of force against environmental resources so as to deprive populations of their benefit(s) and/or destroy other property”. In contrast, eco-terrorism is the destruction of property in the interest of saving the environment from human encroachment and destruction. More concisely, environmental terrorism involves targeting natural resources. Eco-terrorism involves targeting the built environment such as roads, buildings and trucks, in defense of natural resources. Other analysts may fail to distinguish between these different threats. The term eco-terrorism has been used in the media to refer to environmental terrorism. Usually eco-terrorism, however, refers to violence done to persons or property.
Environmental terrorism is global phenomenon being a man-made crisis. Allah has created nature. But all human activities centering on development tend to impair nature. For example destruction of hill by dynamite, felling of tress, depletion of river resources,, forced occupation of river banks, etc. are anti-environmental activities liable to prosecution. More often than not oil tanker sinks in the sea polluting water. Nuclear test or explosion by the scientist is inordinately damaging having its baneful effects. Chernobyl explosion in Russia was a nuclear accident with its damaging impacts spilling over causing health hazards.
We need planned development to protect environment preventing the deluge of wanton destruction of property, It is heartening to note that the proximate policy officials and policy adviser mainly agronomists have given concepts notes about sustainable agriculture trough proper irrigation. Green landscapes are of course the blessings of God. All the same deep as well as shallow tube wells supplying water to land under cultivation are really producing the benefits of costs of production. Especially during boro season. Modern irrigations like deep and shallow tube wells have been installed by BAD, Krishi Bank and BRD. The role of BAD as a think – tank cannot be left out of equation. Based on Comilla model it has long been experimenting with sustainable irrigation with commensurate results. It enable the implementing agencies, BRDB and Thana agricultural extensions to follow up according to policy guidelines of BARD.
Apart from irrigation, the policy makers should think to combat dissertation and deforestation. Policy officials in the ministry of agriculture through project intervention have endeavored to combat drought and desertification and climate change impacts and create congenial environment with numerous water bodies formed by the projects. News about massive destruction of trees in a coastal area like Sitakunda are sensational and eye-boggling – all to the disenchantment of the civil societies orchestrating sound environment movement. This mindless operation of the influential persons/groups should not go unchallenged.
Otherwise there is possibility of annihilation of the green enclosure that protects the coastal dwellings from the devastation of tidal bore and water surge breaking coastal embankments. Already a celebrated civil society like YAPSA, that has been advocating for public policy for the ship breaking industries, has risen to the occasion protesting against indiscriminate felling of trees in Sitakunda to create space for constructing ship breaking yard.
The implementation of a project like BNFSP (Bangladesh National Food Security Programme), like Nigeria’s NSPFS (Nigerian National Special Programme for Food Security) has been undertaken in cooperation with FAO and China.
Smart implementation of food security project will harness’ natural river water, water from reservoirs of the small dams, excavate tanks and ponds in dry river beds for rain water harvesting for use in dry reason, dams in Chittagong and CHT and on border rivers in Mymensingh and Sylhet districts. The projects will add to national food security and be helpful in combating drought and desertification and climate change, creating congenial environment in the regions. Use of low lift pumps should be undertaken in large and flowing rivers, natural reservoirs, pond and haors.’
Most experts are of the opinion that’ ‘the entire Rajshahi division is dry and hot with mostly small, moribund and ephemeral rivers and streams. Water-scarce Barind area falls in this region. The region often records lowest rainfall.
The area adjoining the Ganges has also been severely affected due to Farakka. We need irrigation with small dams where topography is suitable and water can be stored during the monsoon in tanks and ponds, also holding water in the lows of rivers, using shallow and deep tubewells in good aquifers as well as low lift pumps along the rivers. Rain water may be harvested in dry channels and ponds and used during lean period. 150 such projects may be undertaken, which will help resolve ‘monga’ related problems. The projects will combat drought and desertification and climate change and will rejuvenate the degraded and polluted environment.
Bangladesh has made significant progress in boosting national food production. However, a large part of the population still lacks access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food. Ensuring that everyone is food secure is therefore a high priority for the Government of Bangladesh.
The National Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Programme helps build Bangladesh’s institutional and human capacities to design, implement, and monitor food security policies. Apart from strengthening the capacity of relevant government agencies, the programme also promotes better access to food-security related information and knowledge exchange.

(Dr. Md. Shairul Mashreque, Professor, Department of Public Administration, Chittagong University)
