Grassroots-level graft hearing at Muktagachha Dec 28-29

UNB, Dhaka :
As part of its graft prevention activities, the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) for the first time is going to hold public hearings on graft allegations at Muktagachha upazila in Mymensingh, aiming to making public servants accountable to people and thus check the growing graft at the grassroots level.
“We (Commission) have already decided to hold public hearings for two days at Muktagachha upazila. All are set to hold the hearings on December 28-29 next,” ACC commissioner Dr Nasiruddin Ahmed told UNB.
As per complaints from local people, hearings on the alleged grafts of upazila sub-registrar office, land office and Palli Biduyut office will be held on December 28 while hearings on alleged irregularities of upazila health complex and primary education office on December 29.
Nasiruddin said, the national anti-graft body has already informed the local authorities concerned to be present at the public hearings.
The ACC with its own fund will begin public hearings in Gopalganj, Madaripur, Mymensingh, Comilla and Rangpur initially and then elsewhere in the country.