Grameenphone Ltd signs an agreement with Rose View Hotel, Sylhet recently. Under the agreement, Rose View Hotel will offer its STAR customers in room rent, food and in SPA. Rezwan Mohammad Chowdhury, Head of High Value segment and STAR and Dalton Jahir, Head of Sales and Marketing, Rose View Hotel sign the agreement on behalf of their respective organization.

Grameenphone Ltd signs an agreement with Rose View Hotel, Sylhet recently. Under the agreement, Rose View Hotel will offer its STAR customers in room rent, food and in SPA. Rezwan Mohammad Chowdhury, Head of High Value segment and STAR and Dalton Jahir, H
Grameenphone Ltd signs an agreement with Rose View Hotel, Sylhet recently. Under the agreement, Rose View Hotel will offer its STAR customers in room rent, food and in SPA. Rezwan Mohammad Chowdhury, Head of High Value segment and STAR and Dalton Jahir, H