Grameen Bank in Narail looted

UNB, Narail :
Armed robbers looted money and other valuables from Majipara branch of Grameen Bank in Sadar upazila on Sunday afternoon.
Manager of the branch M Riaz Uddin said a group of five youths, aged 18-20, entered the bank around 4 pm as customers. They held the staff hostage at gunpoint and took away the key of the vault, he said.
However, they did not find any money at the vault as money had already been sent elsewhere.
Later, the bandits looted Tk 22,000 from the moneybags of the staff and seven mobile phone sets.
The gangsters fled in two motorcycles of the Grameen Bank field workers, the manager said. Officer-in-charge of Sadar Police Station Delwar Hossain said they launched a drive to arrest the robbers.