Gradation list of 477 cadre, non-cadre officers okayed


BSS, Dhaka :
The government has approved the integrated gradation list of 477 BCS (Technical) cadre and non-cadre officers and teachers serving under Technical Education Directorate, officials said.
They said the bottleneck created for the last 33 years over the promotion of the cadre and non-cadre officers and teachers have been cleared with the approval of integrated gradation list of cadre and non-cadre officers and teachers.
“The promotion issue was pending long and the initiative to end the bottleneck and make an integrated gradation list to give promotion of the cadre and non-cadre officers and teachers working under education directorate, Education Secretary Md. Nazrul Islam Khan said. He said the integrated gradation list has paved the way for giving promotion of the cadre, non-cadre officers and teachers fulfilling their long standing demand.
“We have already been able to give promotion to a total of 53 cadre and non-cadre officers and teachers as per the gradation list and more will follow suit,” said Khan, who worked relentlessly to end the blockage.
According to the sources, the gradation list of 477 BCS (technical) cadre and non-cadre officers and teachers were prepared and of them 111 are chief instructors, assistant professors, associate professors, principal, professors, 333 instructors and workshop superintendent and 33 non-cadre equivalent to instructors, chief instructors.
A meeting of the departmental promotion committee (DPC) held on 27 April at the conference room of Education Ministry with Education Secretary Md Nazrul Islam Khan in the chair.
Additional secretary (technical) of the Education Ministry, director general of technical education directorate, joint secretaries of public administration ministry and finance ministry were among others present.
Following the gradation list the meeting promoted 35 cadre (technical) officials and 18 non-cadre officials ending over 33 years of tussle between the officers and education ministry, said a senior official of the ministry.
Additional secretary (technical) of the ministry of education Ashoke Kumar Biswas said among the 35 cadre officials, six were promoted as principal, six as vice-principal and 23 as chief instructor while among the 18 non-cadre officials, two officials were promoted as associate professor, four as vice-principal, one each as associate and assistant professors.
The technical education directorate of the Education Ministry was established in 1981 abolishing the technical education department to move forward the technical education, he added.
