GP extends support to vulnerable children

Economic Reporter :
Grameenphone has partnered with UNICEF to support extension of the first-ever ‘Child Help Line – 1098’ in Bangladesh by signing a formal agreement on Monday.
This was disclosed in a press conference at a city hotel,says a press release.
UNICEF Bangladesh Representative Edouard Beigbeder, Grameenphone’s Chief Marketing Officer Yasir Azman and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Mahmud Hossain were present in the program. Hans Martin Hoegh Henrichsen, Chief Representative Officer of Telenor in Bangladesh was also present on the occasion.
Since 2011, the Child Help Line has provided emergency support services to children at risk throughout Dhaka. The toll-free Child Help Line number ‘1098’, is a government project implemented by the Department of Social Services under the Ministry of Social Welfare and supported by UNICEF in collaboration with partner NGO – Aprajayo Bangladesh.
It operates a 24-hour telephone line and is providing emergency support services to children at risk, as well as to adults who are concerned about certain children. The service is providing children with existing social protection services through rescue, safe shelter, referral and networking.
“The success of Child Helpline was so compelling that we wanted to extend its reach – today that has become a reality due our collaborative partnership with Grameenphone and the Ministry of Social Welfare.
 More vulnerable children will be able to seek professional support in times of need. We thank Grameenphone and the Ministry for their vital support,” said Edouard Beigbeder, UNICEF Bangladesh Representative.