GP announces 80pc Interim Dividend (Cash) for 2015


Economic Reporter :
The 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Grameenphone Ltd. concluded successfully at the Bashundhara Convention Center yesterday in the city, according to a press release.
Members of the Board, and Grameenphone CEO, Rajeev Sethi were present at the occasion, along with other senior officials of the Company.
M Shahjahan, Director of the GP Board, chaired the meeting while Hossain Sadat, Company Secretary of Grameenphone conducted the AGM.
Chairman of the AGM thanked the shareholders for their trust on the company and briefly talked about growth potential in Bangladesh telecom sector, regulatory uncertainties, GP’s ambition to provide Internet for All etc., while the CEO mainly highlighted the operational & financial performance of the company and successful 3G rollout, in their respective speeches.  
Speaking on the occasion, chairman of the AGM said, “Through 2015, we have continued to invest resources to transform the Grameenphone into a new generation telecommunications company, pushing beyond voice and SMS. Grameenphone aims to be a digital frontrunner, taking a strong lead in developing and adapting new technology and delivering new services to its customers.”
GP has paid 80% Interim Dividend (Cash) during 2015. The Board of Directors also recommended 60% Final Dividend (Cash) making a total dividend of 140% of the paid-up capital (i.e. BDT 14 per share) for the year 2015.
The shareholders approved the above total dividend for the year 2015. GP will run fast-track on-line dividend distribution towards its shareholders in keeping its promises following the practices of earlier years.
