Goyeshwar fears Khaleda’s arrest anytime

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Goyeshwar Chandra Roy on Saturday feared that their chairperson Khaleda Zia is likely to be arrested anytime as per the government’s ‘evil plan’.
“The way government is making a blueprint, Deshnetri (Khaleda) may be arrested at anytime,” he said.
The BNP leader voiced the apprehension while addressing a discussion at the Jatiya Press Club arranged by Deshnetri Parishad, marking the ‘Fall of Autocracy Day commemorating military ruler HM Ershad’s bowing out in the face of a mass upheaval on December 6, 1990.
Goyeshwar, a BNP standing committee member, asked the party leaders and activists to take all-out preparations so that they can take to the streets anytime.
He was also critical of his party’s leaders who are not active on the streets despite holding big posts. “People want a movement, but our leaders are busy giving pose before TV cameras. All leaders try to get big posts of the party, but they’re not available when any programme is announced.”
Stressing the need for involving people with their ongoing movement to make it a success, the BNP leader said their party is failing to take out people to the streets for lack of their strong commitment.
Gayeshwar also criticised both Awami League and BNP for using Ershad and Jamaat for making their own political gains and assuming office.