Govt’s instructions to cut tuition fees soon


Staff Reporter :
The government has finally decided to cut students’ tuition fees responding to the calls from the guardians.
The decision is expected to be announced by Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education next week.
After confirming the matter, Professor Syed Golam Faruk, Director General of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education, said, new instructions is not for all. Many guardians had lost their jobs, facing economic hardship to maintain family’s expenditure. New instructions will suggest students’ tuitions fees to cut.
 He said, the complications have been created regarding payment of tuition fees in some schools in Dhaka and other district cities. That type of schools account for highest 20 per cent. We have started to issue some instructions targeting those students who are unable to pay their tuition fees. It will be announced shortly.
However, news have been published that few schools of the capital and other district towns put pressure on the guardians to pay tuition fees. Few institutions have pressurized the guardian to pay online class charges and others dues. If they are unable to pay, then their children would not get promotion. The guardians feel helpless about the matter.
When asked, Ziaul Kabir Dulu, President of Bangladesh Guardians’ Forum, said, we have demanded 50 per cent tuition fees reduction for private schools as those were closed during pandemic. Few families have financial crisis. They have no enough support to pay tuition fees. But many institutions overlooked guardians’ inability to pay tuition fees including others fees.
We have submitted application to the ministry and other authorities in this regard.
We want 50 per cent reduction of tuition fees, he added.
All educational institutions were closed on March 16 to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The closure was extended until October 31 as there has been no marked improvement in the situation.
