Govt working to strengthen local government system: Tajul


Minister for Local Government, Rural Development (LGRD) and Cooperatives M Tajul Islam said the government is working hard to strengthen the local government system through empowering all the institutions under the local government department including union parishad, municipality and upazila parishad.
Emphasizing on increasing transparency and accountability of local representatives, he said, “The government is working hard to strengthen the local government system through empowering all the institutions under the local government department.”
He said this while speaking as the chief guest at an inaugural function of ‘Union Parishad-UP Training Modules and First E-Learning Course’ organized by National Institute of Local Government (NILG) at a hotel in the capital, said a press release.
He hoped that the people’s representatives with proper training would play a greater role in the welfare of the country as per the roadmap given by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to build Bangabandhu’s ‘Sonar Bangla’.
The Minister suggested creating an up-to-date ‘model’ by drawing the attention of the head of the institution to be aware of their responsibilities, duties and accountability while providing training.
Senior Secretary of local government division Helaluddin Ahmed presided over the function and Ambassador of Switzerland Nathali Suard and NILG Director General Saleh Ahmed Mozaffar were present, among others.
Earlier, the minister unveiled the package of Union Parishad Training Modules.
