‘Govt working to ensure safe journey during Eid’


Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan on Tuesday said his ministry working to make safe and smooth journey of home-bound Eid passengers on the river routes.
“Incidence of river accidents reduced to a large extent because of firm steps taken by the government,” he said speaking at the annual performance agreement signing function at the meeting room of the shipping ministry in the city, said an official release.
The minister said there were only two river accidents in 2015 and the government is working to bring it to zero in 2016.
The annual performance agreement signing took place between the shipping ministry and the offices and agencies under it.
Shipping Secretary Ashok Madhob Roy and chiefs of 10 offices or agencies signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations.
The offices or agencies are: Chittagong Port Authority, Mongla Port Authority, Bangladesh Shipping Corporation, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA), Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC), department of shipping, land port authority, Marine Academy, Maritime Institute and Paira Port Authority.
The minister asked the authorities to work with sincerity and devotion to attain their targets cent percent.
