Arabic Varsity training programme: Govt working for practice, research of Islamic edn: Nahid

Chittagong Bureau :
Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said now a days some people are trying to add different colours to Islam, religion of peace, amity and compassion, for their personal gains. He said it was possible to face all challenges about Islam if one could acquire education imbued with perfect religion in the way guided by almighty Allah and His Prophet. He also said that the present government is working for the practice and research of Islamic education and pursuit of new knowledge so that man can know the real characteristics of Islamic education.
The education minister said this while addressing a discussion and training programme on development and quality enhancement of the curriculum of Fazil and Kamil levels at Islamic Arabic University in Hathazari upazila of the district on Saturday .
Presided over by the first vice chancellor (VC) of Islamic Arabic University Prof Dr Mohammad Ahsan Ullah, the meeting was addressed, among others, by University Grants Commission (UGC) Chairman Prof Abdul Mannan, Chittagong University VC Prof Dr Iftekhar Uddin Ahmed and chairman of Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board AKM Sayef Ullah.
Referring to propaganda against Awami League on Madrasa education, Nahid said the previous governments received the votes of the Islamic minded people in the name of Islam but did nothing for them in return.” Awami League government has so far established 1130 new Madrasa buildings and processed for more 1800 Madrasas buildings”, the minister said adding that the government has equalised the salary between the Madrsa teachers and the college teachers and launched Honours courses in 31 Madrasas.
He also said the AL government has fulfilled the century old demand of the Alim society establishing the Arabic University. “Neither the British nor the Pakistani rulers could fulfil this demand in 100 years”, he added.