Govt wants to eliminate BNP: Fakhrul


Staff Reporter :
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Thursday accused the government of trying to eliminate the BNP from the political arena to make the ruling Awami League path free from challenges by any means.
“It appears from different programmes undertaken, the government is desperate to eradicate BNP since there is no third party to challenge their influence in the politics of Bangladesh. They also are trying to eliminate all opposition political parties to bring back BAKSAL again,” BNP Secretary General said it in a statement sent to media on the day.
In the satatement, Mirza Fakhrul said, the government filed false case against Saiful Islam Firoz, BNP candidate for Jhenaidah-4 constituency. The Court sent him in jail rejecting his bail petition.
Mirza Fakhrul condemned the incident saying Firoz has been made victim of the government’s vengeances.
He demanded Firoz’s quick release and asked the government to shan the path of political vengeances.
