Govt using state machinery to cling to power: BNP


UNB, Thakurgaon :
BNP spokesman Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday alleged that the current government is trying to hang onto power using the state machinery.
“The government is using Rab, police and other state machinery in its bid to cling to power with the force of arms,” he said.
Fakhrul, the BNP acting secretary general, came up with the allegation while addressing a joint meeting of party workers arranged by the district unit BNP at Thakurgaon Zila Parishad auditorium.
He said the government which came to power through a ‘voter-less farcical election’ is now considering guns as their main source of power instead of people.
The BNP acting secretary general warned the government that no fascist, repressive and autocratic regime in the world could stay in power for ever “The people of Bangladesh will force this regime to quit through a strong street movement very soon.”
