Govt using modern technology to spread Bangabandhu’s strategies


Government, through its ICT Division, is applying modern technology to spread strategies and prudence of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
“Greatest Bengali of all time, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is a great inspiration for all of the freedom-loving people across the world. Therefore we have taken multifarious initiatives to spread his strategy, prudence and good sense by using modern technology,” State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak told BSS. “We have released an analytical publication on Bangabandhu’s historic 7th March speech, its e-book edition and mobile application, which was unveiled by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on November 13, 2017. A demo version of that historic speech has been made in VR (Virtual Reality) and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the app on December 6, 2017, at the ‘Digital World-17’,” he added.
According to the ICT Division sources, Bangabandhu App has been downloaded almost 1lakh times from the Google Play Store. Besides, the publication of analytical book on 7th March speech titled “Bangabandhur Sat-e March Er Bhashon: Rajneetir Mahakabyo” (Bangabandhu’s 7th March Speech: An Epic Poem of Politics) is a compilation of analysis of the 26 renowned political commentators, analysts and academic personalities. Each of them analyzed a selected sentence from the Father of the Nation’s historic speech. Minister of Commerce Tofail Ahmed, Prof Mustafa Nur-Ul Islam, Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury, Prof Emeritus Dr Anisuzzaman, Prof Muntassir Mamun, Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique, Dr SA Malek and Selina Hossain are among those whose comments were incorporated in the book. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina wrote the preface of the book. The main planner, Chief Adviser and Patron of this book is State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak.
“Basically, we are targeting the youth to let them know the Father of Nation. His contributions in achieving the freedom of Bangladesh from the repression of the Pakistani ruler, how he led and motivated the unarmed people fight for their rights and liberated the country. We all should know how Bangabandhu gradually prepared a whole nation for the Liberation War, and how a speech prepared a nation for the independence,” Palak said. The state minister added that with a view to spreading the spirit of the Father of the Nation to the young generation, government has developed a colored version of that historic 7th March speech and made the Bangabandhu App public in order to spread his activities, thoughts and sacrifices among the people all over the world.
The electronic version of the book or e-book is available at the Google Play Store and Apple Store.
The released mobile application ‘7th March Speech Analysis’ could be downloaded from the Google Play Store link given bellow. (
