Govt urges all to use masks during restriction relaxation period


Considering the celebration of the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha on July 21 in the country, the government has relaxed the ongoing strict restrictions imposed earlier to stem the spread of coronavirus from on Wednesday midnight with a condition of maintaining health guidelines.
Though the government relaxed the restrictions considering the socio-economic condition and the need to maintain normal economic activity, the Cabinet Division issued a fresh directive on Wednesday calling upon all to follow the health guidelines strictly, including using face masks all time during the interim period of restriction relaxation.
During this interim period, the government also imposed restriction on all sorts of gatherings, including wedding ceremony, birthday party, picnic, political and religious gatherings, it said.
Earlier, on Tuesday, the Cabinet Division issued a gazette notification easing the Covid-19 restrictions from midnight of July 14 to the morning of July 23 along with imposing another two-weeklong 23-point strict restriction from July 23 to August 5.
According to the notification issued, along with closure of all government, semi-government, autonomous and private offices, the government also decided to keep all factories, including the export-oriented garment industry shut down during the fresh strict restrictions.
The government also imposed travel restrictions using roads and highways, railways, waterways and domestic aviation services during the period.
All kinds of shopping malls and markets along with all types of tourism centres, resorts, community centres and recreation centres also will remain closed while all sorts of gatherings, including birthday party, picnic,
political and religious gatherings will remain suspended during the post-Eid restriction.
Besides, the Supreme Court will issue necessary instructions for the courts. Bangladesh Bank/Financial Institutions Division will issue necessary directives to ensure services in the banks, insurance companies and financial institutions during the restriction.
The government, however, asked its all the employees to stay at their respective work stations and perform official activities virtually (using e-file, e-tendering, e-mail, SMS and whatsApp and other digital means).
Officials and vehicles related to law and order and emergency services like agricultural products and materials (fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and agricultural machineries), transportation and trading of food grains and foodstuffs, relief distribution, healthcare services, Covid-19 vaccination, activities of issuing National Identity cards (NID), revenue collection related activities, electricity, water, gas/energy, fire service, telephone and internet (public-private) services, mass media (print and electronic), private security systems, postal services, banks, visa related activities, city corporations/municipalities (cleanliness and street light setting related activities), social safety net programmes, pharmacies and pharmaceuticals and officials and vehicles related to other emergency or essential products or services will be allowed to travel during the restriction by showing their respective identity cards.
Emergency cargo transportations including trucks, lorries, covered vans, vessels, cargo trains, ferries, and all ports (air, sea, river and land ports) and offices related to the ports will remain out of purview of the restrictions.
But essential commodities at kitchen markets can be bought and sold out from 9am to 3pm everyday following the proper maintenance of health rules while the concerned kitchen market authorities and the local administration will ensure the matter.
No one will be allowed to go out of homes except in emergency needs (purchase of medicines and daily essentials, for medical services, for funeral process). Legal actions will be taken against those who will breach the instructions.
The people would go for taking Covid-19 vaccine showing the vaccine cards.
Food shops, hotels-restaurants will be allowed to sell food only (online/takeaway) from 8am to 8pm.
International flights, however, will remain in operation and the passengers will be allowed to travel and use vehicles by showing their international travel tickets.
Besides, the Religious Affairs Ministry will give instructions regarding prayers in the mosques maintaining the health guidelines.
The Armed Forces Division will deploy necessary number of troops to ensure effective patrolling at the field level under the rules of Army in Aid to Civil Power. The district magistrates will ensure this after consulting with the local military commanders.
The district magistrates will deploy army, BGB, Coast Guard, police, RAB and Ansar and determine the jurisdiction of patrolling, ways and times after holding coordination meeting with the concerned officials at the district level. Apart from this, they will also take any special initiative required for the local areas. The concerned ministries or divisions will provide necessary instructions in this regard at the field level.
The public administration ministry will ensure appointment of necessary number of executive magistrates at the field level.
The Director General of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) will give necessary power to the district administration and the police for taking legal actions under the Infectious Diseases (Prevention, Control and Elimination) Act 2018.
