Govt urged to stop way of cow fattening


Staff Reporter :Paribesh Banchao Andolon (PABA) on Saturday urged the government to take appropriate measures to stop unhealthy means of making cows fat to make quick money on the occasion of the holy Eid-ul-Azha.The organisation gave the call from a round table discussion held in its office in the city. The speakers of the round table said, some dishonest men use excess quantity of urea fertilizer, cyproheptadine, steroyed, hormone and likewise medicines to make cows fat. This is very harmful to human health. The speakers said, the meat of those cows may cause disorder of heart, kidney, leaver and other important organs in human body. The speakers said, there is scientific and farm department approved systems to make cows healthy and fat. It needs three to six months to make the cows fat. But the dishonest businessmen follow the unhealthy ways to make profit within short time and with lowest investment. Abu Naser Khan, the Chairman of the organisation, presided over the programme while the Joint-General Secretary Dr. Lelin Chowdhury presented the main script. Engineer Md. Abdus Subhan, the General Secretary of PABA, Member of the Secretariat of the organisation Advocate Syed Mahbubul Alam, Assistant Secretary Mohammad Selim and Member Engineer Tofayel Ahmed, among others, also gave speech in the program.
