Govt urged to reduce treatment cost of kidney disease


In line with the theme of World Kidney Day 2022, experts on Thursday lay emphasize on making the kidney patients capable and developing adaptability among them so that they can lead a normal life even being a kidney patient.
Citing that the kidney patients in the developed world have not to think of the treatment cost for this disease because their government take all the responsibility, analysts opine that whereas in Bangladesh patients themselves have to bear the expenses of treating kidney disease and which is very high in our country.
The remarks were made in a discussion session, organised by the Kidney Awareness Monitoring and Prevention Society (KAMPS) marking the world kidney day.
KAMPS , as part of its daylong program, also organised free kidney screening and awareness program. The discussion meeting and screening program took place at KAMPS head office, Mohammadpur in the capital.  
Addressing a discussion meeting, the Head of the Department and Chief Consultant, Kidney Department of Anwar Khan Modern Hospital and Medical College and President of KAMPS, Prof. Dr. M A Samad said that the government has to take the responsibility for ensuring easy way of treating kidney patients as this disease is fatal and it’s treatment cost is excessively high that is not possible to bear by the lower income segment of people.
Prof. Samad stressed reducing cost of treatment of common people across the country for ensuring the sustainable and balanced development.
Shedding light on the theme of the current year’s World Kidney Day, Prof. Samad suggested to take a combined move by the government, non-government agencies and private sector partners in curbing the ever growing trend of kidney diseases.
“Most harmful disease in the contemporary world is high blood Pressure, Diabetes keep destroying the health of people silently and consequently cause some other severe diseases. People cannot even understand that they are kidney patient until 70 percent damage of kidney occurs, so regular screening of kidneys are most essential and early detection can save lives, so this is why the preventive measures are most important for avoiding risks of this killer disease”, Dr. Samad added.
He said 85 crores of people across the globe are affected by any form of kidney diseases while 24 lakhs of people die from chronic kidney disease and 17 lakhs of people die from acute kidney failure every year.
Executive Director of KAMPS, Rezwan Salehin said it is easily perceivable that people will come know what is kidney disease, it’s harm and consequences only when he will take move to prevent this disease, and KAMPS has been doing this job for about two decades.
