Govt trying to establish Baksal rule: BNP


UNB, Dhaka :Accusing the ruling party of trying to establish the one-party Baksal rule undercover of democracy, BNP on Friday warned that people are committed to protecting democracy through a strong movement foiling all conspiracies by Awami League.In a statement, BNP joint secretary general Salahuddin Ahmed said, “Awami League never believes in democracy. Instead, it repeatedly annihilated democracy. The party is now trying to establish one-party Baksal (rule) undercover of democracy.”He further said, “The democracy-loving people in the country always ditched one-party dictatorship. They’re now committed to freeing democracy from the shackle through a bloody struggle thwarting all the plots of the ruling party.”Referring to media reports that the government is taking a move to give law enforcers indemnity for the killing opposition leaders and activists to suppress the ongoing movement, the BNP leader reminded the government that no law is the last law. “More laws will be enacted in the future. No law which is contrary to constitution, basic and human rights can protect you (govt).He suggested the government and its subservient some members of the law enforcement agencies to think of the consequences of the mass killer regimes and their cohorts in the world who were brought to justice under the trial of international courts. “People have kept all the records of your cruel acts.”Mentioning that the BNP-led 20-party believes in a peaceful and democratic movement, Salahuddin said they want the national political crisis to be resolved though talks and understanding.He once again said, the 20-party welcomed all local, international and the UN’s initiatives for resolving the political crisis in the country.”People hope that good sense will prevail upon the government before time runs out. Otherwise, the government will be held responsible for any evolving situation.”
