Govt to screen imported phones strictly to prevent terror-related content, apps

Economic Reporter :
The government is set to step up screenings of mobile phones for objectionable terror-triggering contents and apps prior to their import strictly from now on, sources said.
A senior BTRC official told The New nation on condition of anonimity that from now on, a much stringent checking of the content would be done before mobile phones are cleared for import.
According to BTRC rules, a cell phone must obtain International Mobile Equipment Idenity (IMEI) number after submission of the sample mobile to the BTRC, which checks the built-in contents and apps. So far, the checks have been limited only to ensuring if the Bangla keypads work and if the mobile phone is compatible with Bangla language settings, the official conceded.
He also admitted that the checks so far have been rather linient.
But all that is going to change as the government is determined to stop terror-inspiring content from reaching the country’s shores.
Controversial Indian televangelist Zakir Naik’s ‘Peace Mobile’ phone were banned from being imported last week.