Govt to make documentary on Bangabandhu


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina laid importance on collection of all documents and information on Bangabandhu at home and abroad to make a documentary or film based on the life and works of the Father of the Nation.
Replying to a question from Rustam Ali Farazee (Pirojpur 3) in the House during the PM’s Question-Answer session on Wednesday the Prime Minister said her government has taken initiative to procure such documents, remaining scattered at different places at home and abroad.
After publication of the “Unfinished Memoir of Bangabandhu”, which was overwhelmingly welcomed by the cross sections of people at and abroad, Sheikh Hasina said steps were taken for the publication of more books compiling his writings, speeches, audio and video clips and the intelligence reports.
Replying to a supplementary from independent member Hajee Selim, the Prime Minister said none would ever be able to erase the name of Bangabandhu from the hearts of millions.
She said a generation was bereft of knowing nothing about Bangabandhu as the glorious history of the nation and Bangabandhu was banned in all government machinery for long 21 years.
“Now the new generations have free access to the real history,” she said adding, more steps would be taken to allow the next generation to learn about the country’s glorious history.
