Govt to investigate entrance of foreign vessels into Bangladesh


The government has decided to form a probe body to investigate the motives behind the illegal entrance of two fishing vessels bearing Cameron flag into the Bangladesh’s maritime boundary.
The Fisheries and Livestock Ministry at its meeting at the conference room of the ministry on Sunday decided to form the probe body with State Minister for Fisheries and Livestock Ashraf Ali Khasru in the chair.
The meeting was informed that the probe body will be formed within tomorrow, involving the customs authority, said a handout.
Two fishing vessels bearing Cameron flags- FV Wind Sea and FV Wind View -earlier entered Karnaphuli River without approval of the Fisheries and Livestock Ministry, violating the local and international laws.
The two vessels have been anchored in a jetty of Continental Marine Fisheries Ltd, Chattogram.
With the help of local agent – Intermodal Pvt Limited, FV Wind Sea and FV Wind View on August 21 last entered the jetty with clearance of the Chattogram Port Authority for conducting repair works.
Although those were scheduled to leave the port within August 26, the vassals are still staying in the territory of Bangladesh.
During the meeting, it was said that two fishing vessels took clearance of the port authority showing fake documents. Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Academy and Chattogram Port Authority and Coastguard personnel during their field visit did not find any fault in the vessels that need to be repaired.
