Govt to ensure trial of all HR violations: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina speaking at a discussion marking the International Human Rights Day at a local hotel on Tuesday. BSS photo
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina speaking at a discussion marking the International Human Rights Day at a local hotel on Tuesday. BSS photo

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday said the government will establish human rights in the country through ensuring the trial of all the incidents of human rights violation.
“All we need most is to ensure the rule of law for establishing human rights. Criminals have to face punishment, no matter who they’re …this is our decision, and we’re working as per the decision,” she said.
The Prime Minister said this while addressing the Human Rights Day 2019 at Sonargaon Hotel.
Sheikh Hasina said the drive against drugs, terrorism, militancy and corruption is going on as these destroy as well as contaminate a society. “So, the resistance should come from society first against these menaces…this is urgently needed to create awareness among people,” she said.
The Prime Minister said, the government has enacted various human rights-related laws and amended many while strengthened the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).
NHRC organised the programme with the theme ‘Youth standing up for human rights’.
After the assassination of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Prime Minister said, the killers and collaborators of the Liberation War were awarded and patronised to get established in this country politically. “It’s very natural that human rights violation will take place repeatedly if the government tolerates any injustice and unjust,” she said.
She said, the Awami League government is trying to do a very tough job to put the country on the of track prosperity. “We’re very much active whenever there’s any violation of human rights.”
The government is giving special attention to those who are lagging behind in society, said Hasina adding the Awami League government always thinks that they are the servant of people and work for people.
She said the people of the country need to be aware properly about human rights and the duties of citizens. “We’ve to remember that when we think that something is my right and then with this comes the responsibility to others as rights and responsibilities are interrelated.”
The Prime Minister said she thinks that creating awareness regarding rights and responsibilities is very much necessary. “To enjoy rights, we’ve to discharge our responsibilities to others, and this is reality.”
To ensure the basic rights of a person, Hasina said ensuring peace is urgently needed, and for ensuring peace poverty alleviation is also needed.
“If we can bring economic solvency in society then people can fulfill their basic rights, and they’ll be able to protect their human rights… we’ve to create that awareness, too,” she said.
