Govt to create one lakh IT literate teachers

BSS, Dhaka :
The government plans to establish ICT training and resource centers in 125 upazilas and create one lakh IT literate teachers at secondary schools and madrasas within next two years to spread e-learning across the country, official sources said.
Talking to BSS, Education Secretary Md. Nazrul Islam Khan said in light of the government’s Digital Bangladesh vision, the education ministry has launched a number of e-education projects, including one, that would establish 125 e-learning centers and create one lakh IT literate teachers at secondary schools and madrasas.
“We have already introduced multimedia classroom in 23,500 schools and imparted training on multimedia contents to over 20,000 teachers. Now, we are establishing 125 upazila ICT training and resource centers and creating one lakh IT literate teachers by giving them training on e-learning,” he added.
According to sources, as part of the plan to create one lakh IT literate teachers at secondary schools and madrasas, Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS) has just completed training of 760 teachers in training of trainers (TOTs) course on March 18, 2015 under a project titled “Upazila ICT Training and Resource Centers for Education (UITRCE).”
Director of BANBEIS and UITRCE Project Director Md. Fashiullah said the 760 teachers of secondary schools and madrasas who have received training in TOT course will give training to one lakh teachers on e-learning.
He said the work of constructing two-storied Upazila ICT Training and Resource Centers under UITRCE project in the country’s 125 is progressing fast and is expected to be completed this year.
The sources said the UITRCE project involving Taka 403.78 crore was launched in August 2013 for implementing within two years. Korea is providing soft loan worth about 39 million US dollar at .01 percent interest rate.