Bid to replenish stock: Govt to buy rice from pvt importers

Staff Reporter :
The government has decided to import rice by local traders and later to buy from them to boost the stock of food grain.
After failure of an initiative to import the staple food from Cambodia through state-to-state arrangement, the Food Ministry took this decision, the Ministry official said.
Earlier, the cabinet committee on purchase approved a proposal for importing one lakh tonne of rice through open tender for Tk 42,250 to Tk 43,725 per tonne.
According to Food Ministry documents, local traders will import the rice from India, Thailand, Pakistan and Vietnam and deliver it to 46 government silos across the country in several lots.There would be 1,000 to 3,000 tonnes of rice in each lot.
Last month, the same committee approved another proposal for importing one lakh tonne of the staple food which the traders would reach 38 government silos. The price was set at Tk 43,440 to Tk 44,330 per tonne.
Import of another one lakh tonne of rice is in the pipeline and the government has already opened tenders in this regard, shows the Ministry website.
In August last year, an initiative was taken for the import of 2.5 lakh tonnes of rice from Cambodia. Later it was cancelled by Bangladesh due to delay in shipments.
The government is desperately trying to replenish its depleted stock through imports after production was hit by flash floods and fungal attacks.
Despite deals with several rice exporting countries, including Vietnam, India, Thailand and Myanmar, Bangladesh is still battling to increase its reserves.
The import of rice at both public and private levels has begun lately. From July 1 to November 14, a total of 17.24 lakh tonnes of rice was imported. Of the quantity, 4.05 lakh tonnes were brought by the government.
It did not have to import any rice last fiscal year. However, 13.32 lakh tonnes of the staple food came through the private sector.
The government has also decided to import 20 lakh tonnes of food grains, 15 lakh tonnes of rice and five lakh tonnes of wheat till July 2018 in the current fiscal year. This is 11 lakh tonnes more than the government’s earlier projected food import volume.