Govt taking country ahead following footsteps of Bangabandhu


Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque said the government is taking ahead the country following the footsteps of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
“Bangabandhu had made plans for all welfare-oriented works including education, health and rural development. The incumbent government has been implementing those dreams and plans of Bangabandhu,” he said this while speaking at a discussion at Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University at Trishal in Mymensingh.
Bangabandhu-Nildal arranged the discussion at ‘Gahi Samyer Gan’ manch on the campus marking the 44th martyrdom anniversary of Bangabandhu.
The minister said Bangabandhu took the farsighted decision of building the country’s first satellite station at Betbunia. Following his footsteps, now Bangladesh has become successful in materializing the dream of Digital Bangladesh, he added.
