Govt seems in no hurry to collect vaccine when death does not matter

Although the countries around the globe are in race to guarantee early access to a Covid-19 vaccine, an indifference of government policymakers has kept Bangladesh at the backstage of the race, public health experts said on Wednesday, as per a report of our daily. On the other hand, the so-called vaccine diplomacy has heated up the global arena and countries have engaged in negotiation with potential vaccine manufacturers in their quest to secure supplies of Covid-19 vaccines quickly, where Bangladesh seems to be an onlooker of the development. Rich countries have inked deals with pharmaceuticals developers for early doses for their own citizens pouring billions of dollars.
A Finance Ministry official said the government has decided to set aside Tk 8,000 crore to buy Covid-19 vaccine from the international market under a fast-track vaccine collection plan. Even the National Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) on Covid-19 also is in dark about the government’s step how they are dealing to obtain a corona vaccine.
As usual any administration which insists on working in an opaque manner because it does not feel that there is any need to justify anything to the people will obviously keep them in the dark. That is why neither the NTAC nor the nation knows from where we are going to get a vaccine. The question begs to be asked since public funds are being used for procurement why is it so difficult for the government to tell us about where it intends to get the vaccine from?
We need to obtain a vaccine which people will trust like the Oxford vaccine which is one of the most advanced and promising protective methods in the world. The nation does not want the thousands of crores of public funds to be used for corruption by intentionally buying cheap or unreliable companies’ vaccines.
The fact is our health system meaningless for corona patients and the government is not having sleepless nights. We are worthless as a nation and deaths of our people do not matter. We should be happy to be told that Bangabandhu is Bangladesh and the government has no responsibility toward anybody else.