Commentary: Govt position against Supreme Court cannot be helpful

Editorial Desk :
Ruling party leaders demand that Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha (SK Sinha) should resign for the landmark verdict that has scrapped Parliament’s power to impeach Supreme Court’s judges. In the unanimous judgement some critical observations on the overall state of the nation were made as background leading to changing the Constitution.
Awami League leaders are giving angry public reactions everyday which are openly humiliating to the CJ and also challenging the sanctity of the Supreme Court it deserves as the highest court of justice.
 Few days later in the court while discussing the desperate reactions from the government the Chief Justice casually mentioned the example in Pakistan where as a result of a judgement of the Supreme Court the Prime Minister had to resign but no ugly incidents were fomented there by the government.
The Chief Justice came under fresh round of attacks for comparing the situation here with that of Pakistan. The government supporters found another excuse for showing disrespect to the Chief Justice of the country personally. Criticising judgment however unreasonably is accepted as nothing wrong.
To show how much pro-Bangladeshi one is, it is not necessary to hate another country. The Prime Minister said anything can be tolerated but not any comparison with Pakistan.
But Bangabandhu had no difficulty in going to Pakistan to attend the Islamic summit. He even invited Bhutto, the Prime Minster of Pakistan as his guest who was the monster responsible behind the atrocities committed on our people by Pakistan army during the liberation war. Bhutto wanted two Pakistans
and did not care what had to be done to achieve his purpose.
Some are trying to be more patriots than Bangabandhu.
There is another aspect to consider for saving the honour as free Bangladesh. When the government leaders are preparing to file a review petition to the Supreme Court to re-consider the verdict and expunge critical observations then the visits to the Chief Justice by a minister and an important adviser can be suspected as undue political pressure on the judges. It cannot also be good for the democratic image of the government.
The international community does not take attacks on the judiciary as something simple politics.
In a pending matter before the Supreme Court it is most unusual for a minister and an important adviser to the Prime Minister meeting the Chief Justice.
It is not clear what the two senior representatives of the government told the Chief Justice. The government representatives should keep the people informed. Speculations on such a matter may be damaging for the government.
Prime Minister’s adviser Gowher Rizvi met Chief Justice on Tuesday following her strong reaction on CJ’s reference to the verdict of Pakistan Supreme Court. People don’t know what message he conveyed but many believe the CJ is facing embarrassing pressure from the government.
Earlier party general secretary and communication minister Mr Obaidul Qader also met the Chief Justice.
We honestly believe the government is overreacting to the judgement. The position of the Supreme Court is defined by the Constitution and justice system has a strong popular base than the present government. Some fear that the government is too greedy for power otherwise the problem could be decently discussed for a respectable solution. It is the government that wanted to usurp supremacy of the Constitution thereby denying the role of the Supreme Court as protector of the Constitution.