Govt out with multipurpose plot to control polls: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP senior leader Amir Khasru Mahmud Chowdhury on Friday alleged that the government has taken a multipurpose project to control the next polls and keep BNP popular leaders away from the election race.
“Forming a partisan Election Commission, conducting the election under a partisan government by partisan people and controlling the election by police, RAB their party cadres and partisan administration are the parts of the project,” he said.
Speaking at a discussion, he further said, “Making efforts to keep BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia and senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman out of the election by convicting them in false cases, mounting pressure on its popular leaders and active leaders and activist so that they cannot take part in the polls. Resorting to killing, jailing and enforced disappearance are also the parts of the multipurpose project.”
Bangladesh Democratic Council arranged the discussion at the Jatiya Press Club.
Khasru, a BNP standing committee member, warned that the government’s such project will turn unsuccessful as the country’s people are aware of it, and they will exercise their right to franchise braving all odds.
“We call upon you (govt) to get connected with people following a democratic path. People will this time wake up in favour of democracy, their voting rights, human rights, the rule of law and press freedom. No one will be able to resist them,” he said. The BNP leader alleged that the government has destroyed the country’s election system by playing games with polls.
He said, their party will come up with a constructive proposal on election-time supportive government to restore people’s confidence the in the election system and hold a fair, inclusive and acceptable election.