Upazila polls: Govt out to share posts among partymen: BNP


Staff Reporter :
The present government is following the strategy of the January-5 ‘one-sided’ polls in the upazila elections, as it is conspiring to share posts in the elections which it did in the general elections.
BNP joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed, who is acting as the spokesman, made the allegation at a press conference at the party’s Nayapaltan central office in the city on Wednesday.
The ruling collation, he alleged, is conspiring to share posts in the upazila polls among themselves, keeping out the BNP-backed candidates from the race. The government is going ahead with evil designs to ensure the victory of the candidates of JSD, Jatiya Party and the ruling party, he added.
He said, “The BNP-backed candidates are being arrested every day in false cases while leaders and workers of the party are being abducted ahead of the elections. They are also being obstructed to campaign in favour of the
BNP-backed candidates. The government is doing these as part of its conspiracy to share posts in the elections among its alliance partners.”
He gave several references to substantiate his allegation. He said the law enforcers on Tuesday arrested incumbent Charghata (Rajshahi) Upazila chairman who is also BNP-backed candidate. Two BNP leaders in Manikganj and another in Natore remain missing since police picked up them two days ago, he claimed. He demanded their immediate release.
The police attacked and torched the house of Khoksa Bari Union BNP leader Rejaul Karim in Sirajganj, he alleged. The law enforcers have created a dreadful situation across the country by resorting to repressive acts, he added. He also alleged that the law enforcers have indulged in arrest business by picking up opposition men without any charge.
He demanded fresh polls under a non-party poll-time government system. Otherwise, he warned of waging tougher movement on the streets.
