Markets reopen before Eid: Govt offices to partially reopen amid shutdown, says PM Hasina


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has announced that government offices will gradually reopen on a limited scale amid the extended shutdown over the coronavirus outbreak in Bangladesh.
As the number of coronavirus cases and deaths continues to swell, the government is planning to extend the lockdown, which it has termed a ‘holiday’, by another 10 days to May 15 while easing some restrictions on public life.
“We are reopening government offices on a limited scale in order to help people in distress. With the Eid looming, people need to be able to go and buy the things they need beforehand,” the prime minister said on Monday.
Hasina’s remarks came during a video conference with district administration officers of Rangpur Division at her official residence Ganabhaban on Monday.
Although some of the lockdown curbs are set to be lifted, the premier nevertheless stressed the need for continued adherence to social and physical distancing protocols alongside the government’s health directives.
“We have to keep social interactions to a minimum. We must all avoid crowded areas or places of large gatherings as that poses a high risk of contagion,” said Hasina.
“We have recently announced a holiday until May 5. We are now looking to extend to May 15. But since we are in the month of Ramadan, we’ve given special consideration to keeping trade flowing and have allowed some shops and restaurants to remain open.”
Small industrial units in all districts of the country are also allowed to operate to keep the economy rolling, Hasina said.
“We will soon issue a set of guidelines which will help shape measures to protect the health and safety of people working there. The Cabinet Division will announce it soon.”

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