Govt launches mobile apps of public services


BSS, Dhaka :
The government Wednesday launched mobile applications (apps) of various services to make it available at the hands of the people.
State Minister for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Zunaid Ahmed Palak opened 25 mobile apps for use by the people at a function held at the auditorium of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC).
From now on people can download free of cost the 25 public services including online submission of driving license of BRTA, Information about Dhaka Zoo, Right to Information Act (RTIA) and ICT Division in their mobile phone and use it.
“This time we want to reach public services to the hands of the people and the launch of 25 mobile applications is a step toward that desire and goal,” the ICT state minister said adding the government will develop all public services for ensuring peoples easy access on it.
He said in line with its Digital Bangladesh as charted out in the Vision 2021 the government first took step to reach services to the doorstep of the people by setting up over 4500 Union Information Service Centers (UISCs).
The government did the task very successfully and over 4 million people have been receiving services from these UISCs each month, Palak said.
The ICT state minister said the number of mobile phone subscribers has increased to over 11 crore while the number of internet users has stood at 4 crore 50 lakhs-of which 33 percent used internet in mobile phone.
Palak urged the mobile phone operators to manufacture smart phone in the country and this obviously contributed to reduce the price of smart phone.
“The mobile phone operators should launch internet package at low price for increasing the number of users and that would actually give good dividend due to surge of users,” he said.
Additional Secretary of ICT Ministry Kamal Uddin Ahmed presided over the programme while Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) Ambassador (retd) Mohammad Faruk, Secretary General of Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) Russell T Ahmed spoke.
