Commentary: Govt is wasting police time by using them for unnecessary arrests

Editorial Desk :
The government is arresting people and putting under suspension from work under Digital Security Act on flimsy grounds causing panic and insecurity to many for criticizing it on critical public issues and particularly on health issues. Media reports on Friday said quoting the Centre for Genocide Studies at Dhaka University which document human condition in degrading situation that least 142 people, including journalists, university professors, and social activists have been arrested or detained since March this year and it frequently happens. They were held for media reporting or sharing posts in social media on the dire health sector condition and other issues. It appears that the government is more serious to stamp opposition instead of improving the law and order situation impacting people’s life at every level.
We have a situation now when most people are in dire economic condition without jobs and regular source of income to feed families. But the government is wasting police time by using them for unnecessary arrest. It is no time for adding miseries to people when the government action must be focused
on how to make people’s life easier and safe. It is not clearly understood why the government takes critically media reports or postings on social media because it may not like it.
It appears the government feels very weak and palpable from inside as it faces criticism of failures from outside. Criticizing the government is part of people’s right to freedom of expression. We must say every criticism of people in the government can’t be taken as a crime to risk arrest or detention. It is violation of human rights. People must be allowed to air their views or frustration when things are not going in corona impacted situation.
 Particularly the government failure to develop the capacity of the health sector and hospitals to take load of corona patients now surging in hundreds and thousands every day and the death cases are multiplying overnight is a sensitive issue. It is natural some will criticize when people were turned down from hospital door for lack of doctors or facilities. The government must understand the sentiment of people and must be tolerable instead of taking police action to seal every way voicing protest.