Govt “inaction” behind “horrific” Covid situation: BNP


BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday blamed the government’s ‘inaction’ for the ‘horrific Covid situation in bordering districts.
“Experts had repeatedly warned that corona will spread in frontier areas. We also raised our voice about it. But proper steps have not been taken to prevent it,” he said.
Fakhrul made the remarks at a press conference at BNP Chairperson’s Gulshan office.
He said there is no ICU bed and necessary oxygen
 support in frontier Thakurgaon district hospital.
“Even patients are going through serious suffering at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital for lack of oxygen. These are happening in India and West Bengal. We’re starting witnessing the same situation here, but no effective step is taken to protect people,” the BNP leader said.
Fakhrul expressed wonder over media reports that members of the Bangladesh Police are being given medals for the national elections held in 2008, 2014 and 2018.
“I’ve never heard that the police members are given medals for election duty anywhere in the world. The reason for such an award is that they (police) have helped them stay in power,” he observed.
The BNP leader said people have become helpless as the state has become repressive. “The people of Bangladesh have nowhere to stand. They’ve no shelter to take to go against any injustice and get relief.”
The BNP leader also said the government has destroyed all the state institutions only to hang onto power.
“Democracy has already been buried and the rule of law has completely been destroyed. The incidents that happened on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of Independence centring the arrival of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Dhaka, most of you (media) have called it mayhem of Hefazat. I totally disagree with that word,” he observed.
He said it is the government that incited the violence in a planned way, but it was branded as the violence of Hefazat.
Fakhrul said their party’s some leaders have been kept in jail by implicated them in false cases, but they are not getting justice.
“But your (PM’s) adviser, who cheated on us over corona vaccine and who has a loan of thousands of crores of taka, was not arrested even for a day. Rather, he was rewarded and given scope to avail of official vehicles and other facilities,” he added.
