Govt has outdone all autocrats

Partisan polls will breed immense crisis: Dr Kamal

Oikyafront Convener Dr Kamal Hossain addressing a press conference at its office on pre-poll violence and political situation on Friday.
Oikyafront Convener Dr Kamal Hossain addressing a press conference at its office on pre-poll violence and political situation on Friday.
Staff Reporter :
Dr Kamal Hossain, Convener of Jatiya Oikyafront and President of Gono Forum, said on Friday that partisan election would breed immense crisis in the country.
He said addressing the government there is still enough time to arrange a free, fair and credible election. Stop arresting the opposition leaders and workers. Create a level playing field for all, otherwise, if you arrange a deceptive or hippocratic election, the people of Bangladesh will reject it.
He said it in a press briefing at Nayapalton’s Jatiya Oikyafront new office on Friday afternoon.
Dr Kamal alleged of unprecedented police harassment on opposition activists ahead of the election.
“The level of harassment is unprecedented and contrary to Constitution,” said the key leader of the opposition alliance.
The Gonoforum President urged the law enforcers not to make the election a farce. “You should have minimum respect for the Constitution and the democracy”.
Responding to a query on whether Oikyafront would boycott the election, he said, they do not want to abandon the election whatsoever is the situation!
When his attention was drawn to the neighboring country’s silence to the recent attacks on opposition leaders and workers, Dr Kamal said, “we are not disappointed at it. But we expect their participation in maintaining democracy in the region.
In the press briefing, the eminent jurist briefed the information about the arrest of opposition leaders and activists and said, in my 50 years political carrier I had never seen that type of situation that the police were arresting and harassing political leaders in a plan way. Even, I did not see use of the state law enforcers for political purpose.
” I cannot imagine how are they destroying the election environment nastily.”
Dr Kamal said, the pollution of the election environment will be considered as the violation of Constitution. It is an offense.
“Whoso make obstacles to hold a credible election and try to capitalize the adverse environment should be brought to justice.”
The Oikyafront leader said, people are the real owners of the country. To translate their votes in action is also the rights of the people. Nobody has right to deprive them of their rights. Never try to play trickery with them.
The Constitution specialist said, what the ruling party is doing is completely sign of autocracy.
UNB adds: Jatiya Oikyafront chief Dr Kamal Hossain on Friday alleged that what the government is now doing has outdone all the autocrats and urged it to keep cool.
“I’ll say what the government is doing has outdone all the autocrats,” he said while addressing a press conference at Oikyafront’s Purana Paltan office.
Dr Kamal, also Gano Forum president, alleged that the government is blocking the way for a fair election in the country through arrest and repression of opposition leaders and activists.
He urged the government to immediately stop it or else, he warned, it will be accused of serious crime of violating the Constitution.
Asking the government to keep cool, the Oikyafront chief said, “It can’t be called victory if you win an election in such a way. If so, it’ll destroy the Constitution and deprive people of their franchise.”