Govt has no good intention over Khaleda’s treatment: BNP

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The BNP on Saturday questioned the government’s honest intension about the party Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia’s medical treatment.
“Our party chief wanted to take treatment under her personal physicians. The laws also were in her favour in this regard. But the government did not favour. They staged a drama by taking her to hospital in the name of
giving treatment,” BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said it in a press briefing in the party’s Nayapaltan central office.
The BNP leader accused the government of taking Khaleda Zia to the hospital coercively.
“The former Prime Minister has been taken to the hospital forcibly even when she was not prepared. As an honourable Muslim woman, she used to wear a long cloth called ‘Orna’ or ‘Chadar’ over her Sharee. But the law enforcers have not given her the time to take that cloth before riding the car,” Rizvi said.
“Our leader has right to treatment and medical facilities. But the government snatched her right.”
“Police has taken the former Prime Minister to different places of the hospital in insulting conditions. How can we be sure that the government has good will for her in this regards?” Rizvi questioned.