Govt has failed diplomatically on Rohingya issue: BNP

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Senior BNP leader Ruhul Kabir Rizvi says the government has diplomatically failed to repatriate forcibly displaced Rohingyas to Myanmar from Bangladesh.
He made the remarks at an event in Dhaka on Friday, a day after a second attempt to repatriate the Rohingyas fell flat following first attempt made in November last year.
“You’ve failed diplomatically,” said the BNP senior joint secretary general.
“The government can do nothing about the Rohingya repatriation. It’s been so long, but you (the government) couldn’t send even one back! “
Aug 22 had been set for sending the Rohinyas back to Myanmar but the refugees were reluctant to return to their homeland. They reiterated that they will not do so until Myanmar fulfils at least four conditions – giving them citizenship, ensuring their security, returning their land and giving compensation for what they have faced, besides letting hundreds of thousands of internally displaced Rohingya to go back to their homes.
Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen called the Rohingyas’ refusal to go back to their homeland ‘unfortunate’, two years after more than 700,000 Rohingyas fled across the border to Bangladesh in the face of a military-led crackdown in Myanmar.
Criticising the minister’s comment, Rizvi said, “You’ve so many friends, but none of them could do anything for you. Bangladesh is to endure the pressure of so many people…