Govt forms wage board for tea workers


Economic Reporter :
The government has formed a wage board to review the minimum wage for the workers of the country’s tea sector, sources said.
The ministry of labour and employment issued a gazette notification on October 22, announcing the names of the representatives from workers and owners for recommending the minimum wage, they said.
The wage board consists of a chairman, one independent member, one each permanent representative from employers and workers while one each temporary representative from the employers and workers.
The workers’ and employers’ representatives have been selected from the respective industry.
According to the gazette notification, the labour ministry appointed Tahsin Ahmed Chowdhury, chief operating officer Estate, the Consuldated Tea and Land Co (Bangladesh) Ltd, as employers’ representative and Ram Bhajan Koiry, general secretary of Bangladesh Tea Workers Union, as workers’ representative to the wage board.
Industry people said there are 160 tea estates in Bangladesh, located in the north-eastern region of Moulvi Bazar, Habiganj and Sylhet, created employment for about 0.1 million workers.
